About Sarah


AdvDip, BID, PTS, CSCS, DOMP (current study)

Sarah is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, Personal Training Specialist, and a current study in Manual Osteopathy (Southern Ontario College of Osteopathy). She holds a Diploma, Bachelors Degree as well as extensive knowledge and experience in the Strength and Conditioning field. Sarah specialises in human mechanics, rehabilitation, as well as working with individuals on their posture and stability. Her continuous education allows her to combine both manual therapy skills with her training background to help patients in a well-rounded manner, contributing to their physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Sarah is extremely excited to be part of the Therapy for Motion team. She assists James as an exercise therapist, as well as runs her own Manual Osteopathy student clinic under the supervision and mentorship of James.

Sarah was born and raised in the community of North Bay. She has been heavily involved in sports since the young age of two which kick-started her journey into the health field. She keeps an active role in the community by conducting volunteer fitness testing for athletic teams in the area. Sarah maintains her active lifestyle through alpine skiing, road cycling, sail racing, and strength training in the gym.

  • AdvDip, BID, PTS, CSCS, DOMP (current study)
  • Advanced Diploma – Fanshawe College
  • Bachelor’s Degree - Ryerson University
  • Diploma of Osteopathic Manipulative Practice; Southern Ontario College of Osteopathy (current study)
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist
  • Certified Personal Training Specialist
  • Certified CPR and First Aid
  • National Strength and Conditioning Association – Member in Good Standing
  • Canadian Fitness Professionals – Member in Good Standing